Tuesday, December 16, 2014

"Mira que bonito y sabroso bailan el mambo los Mexicanos..."

[Oops, I messed up - this was supposed to go out last week, but I didn't push the right button on the blog post thingie so it's late. Pretend you're reading it last Wednesday.]


I've scheduled it so that by the time you read this I'll be in the middle of my next adventure on a verboten island in the Caribbean. I also wanted to post later in the week so that you aren't overwhelmed by my all-of-a-sudden desire to catch up.

I would blog from my new destination but, a) my time there is limited and I simply won't waste a minute of it on a computer, b) I can't even guess about wifi access on the island. In fact, I won't be taking my computer. Or my scarf and woolly cap. Yes, I have a scarf and woolly cap with me, it’s bloody cold in Oaxaca City in the winter.

There are respected acquaintances who assure me that it’s perfectly safe to mention here, in explicit terms, where it is I’m going. You can ask my mother, I’ve been a skeptic and independent thinker the whole of my life. At the unripe age of five or six I asked her point blank to stop with all the Santa Claus hooey. And I’m pretty sure I waited a year or two in case it might hurt her feelings. Anyhow I don’t trust governments, ours or anyone else’s so I sure as hell am not about to set off any alarms (I know, I think too much of myself) by mentioning the wee place just below the Florida peen-tip that was for some reason named after a very tasty sandwich… or was it a cigar? Hmf.

I’ll be back in Oaxaca after my brief excursion after which it will probably take me a day or two to adjust. In the meantime I do hope you enjoy the little ditty I’ve attempted to embed below. Assuming the dang thing works, crank it up, put on your cha-cha-cha heels and think of me fondly.

Assuming it does not work, or even if it does, go buy it from your favorite music vendor: Me Voy Pa’l Pueblo by Los Super Seven (album Canto). Their version is my favorite but it’s actually a cover of a song originally from the “old timey days.” Buy it, then crank it up, put on your cha-cha-cha heels and think of me fondly.

1 comment:

  1. i know where you are going. living in sofl i have those sandwiches on a regular basis. have fun.
